
1. IEEE IROS Humanoid Robot Wrestling Simulation Competition 2023 | Team Humanoid,IITK Link to heading

  • Qualified for 1/8 finals in a competition aimed towards simulating a calibrated model of the NAO robot and implementing a strategy for wrestling matches against other international teams organised during the IROS 2023 conference.
  • Integrated YOLOv5 model for recognizing the position and depth of the opponent robot.
  • Used image processing methods for wrestling ring edge detection.
  • Worked on accessing positions in respect of global coordinate system by accessing global nodes in WeBots enviornment

2. AI Agent 007: Tooling up for Success | Inter IIT Tech Meet 12.0 Link to heading

  • Conducted extensive literature review on open and tool-based language models (LLMs).
  • Formulated a generalized learning strategy for language models based on synthesized findings.
  • Designed and implemented a question answering model inspired by Llama 2’s structure.
  • Tested the model across various datasets using external tools such as ToolLLM, ToolQA, and API-Bank for validation and performance assessment.

3. AI-Based Cost Optimization in Indian Railways Minimizing Carbon Emission | Prof. Gururaj Mirle Vishwanath Link to heading

  • Employed Deep Learning models to forecast Indian Railway Loads spanning 14 states, addressing the data’s dynamic nature.
  • Integrated Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) techniques alongside Deep Learning methodologies.
  • Tackled challenges by incorporating solar and wind forecasting to optimize predictions and bolster accuracy.

4. Computer Vision and Drones 101 | Electrical Engineer’s Association Link to heading

  • Implemented PID control in Python for ArUco marker tracking using OpenCV.
  • Conducted camera calibration for precise imaging applications.
  • Utilized optical flow for motion analysis and performed image stitching for panoramic views.